Howdy, it’s Chris here.

I help streamline your follow-ups so no lead gets left behind, turning lost opportunities into loyal clients without the daily grind.

Image of Chris

You're probably expected a big, flashy landing page with bright colors, images, and text. This isn’t that. I am not a designer, and when it comes to the systems your business runs on, looking nice is never a factor.

Who should keep reading?

If you have ever experienced forgetting about following up with a new lead or someone on your team forgetting to follow up with current and past customers. Then you are in the right place.

Or if your website form only sends out an email, and by the end of the day, you have to painstakingly sift through hundreds of emails so you can call them, then you're in the right place.

Or if you have team members who have to log in daily and manually email out reminders, follow-ups, and review requests, then you are in the right place.

What am I offering you?

A service to help you connect your website form or chatbot to an easy-to-use pipeline that you can use as a solopreneur or a large team to ensure nobody falls through the cracks.

Let’s be honest. The dream is that you can go on vacation and trust that you have a system in place that keeps your team accountable and follow-ups flowing.

As your marketing automation consultant, I help you go from capturing leads to booking services, following up with happy customers, and nurturing recurring clients.

If a picture is worth a thousand, then a video must be worth a million. Here are the inner workings of what happens when you fill out the form below.

Have an AWESOME day!


PS. If, by chance, you want to see the original fancy landing page, then click here (this will open in a new tab).

Book a free call!

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